A brief Summer 2019 activities overview

As usual, the last summer was dedicated to the outreaches and special programs with the kids in Sighișoara and in some remote villages. In the first part of the period we held two weeks of outreaches in Albești, based on the topic of Creation. In the last weeks of July we had activities dedicated to…

Glimpses from the summer camps in 2018

Albesti- The book of life kids camp When we think of books, we might think of school, library, free time, etc. It is such a common thing, we just grew up with it, but not the children from Albesti Valley. For them, books are a mystery. They have no idea how to use one, never…

The kids Summer Camp – July 2016

The ~Live a Clean Life~ summer camp was organized in Râu Sadului from the 20 to 23th of July. We had 70 kids and teenagers and 22 Swedish young friends spending a great time in a beautiful place, learning about living with a pure heart, taking care of the neighbor and of the world we live in. The…

Summer 2016 – Albești outreach

The Summer outreaches were mostly dedicated to the Albești Valley community. We had two intensive weeks of ministry in this place, focused on the idea of Living in a clean village. The most important challenges we had for the people of Albești this year can be sumarized in this two important commands that any Christian should observe in his walk with…

Summer 2015 review

The last summer was filled with events, guests, teams and blessings. Here is a short overview: The ”Love in action” camp The camp was organised, for the second time, in Râu Sadului, near Sibiu. The facility is ideal for indoor and outdoor activities, for games, for nice walks and quiet times. This year we had 56 kids,…

One long cool summer: Outreaches in villages – 21-25 July 2014

On the last week of summer missions we had three Swiss families involved in the programs. That granted our enlarged team with the passion of the young teenagers, along with the wisdom of the mature ones. We reached, beside Goldberich, four villages: Daneș, Hoghilag, Vânători and Albești. In each of these locations we testify very…