ANUNT LANSARE PROIECT „Comunități Marginalizate Susținute – scăderea numărului de persoane în risc de sărăcie în comuna Albești/județul Mureș – CMS-Albești”- ID 140023

Investim în dezvoltare durabilă Proiect cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional Capital Uman 2014-2020 Axa Prioritară 5. Dezvoltare locală plasată sub responsabilitatea comunității Obiectiv specific 5.2. Reducerea numărului de persoane aflate în risc de sărăcie sau excluziune socială din comunitățile marginalizate din zona rurală și orașe cu o populație de până la 20.000…

Warm Feet 2023

Once again, the project was a blessing for thousands of children and families in need, as well was bringing comfort and help for those living in difficult circumstances around us. When wet and cold outside to be warm and able to go out and play, go to school or just get wood for the heat its really…

Warm Feet 27th to 31st Dec 2022

Is time again to joyfully help, give and tell the good news about Christmas and Gods love! We will visit everyday 2 or 4 villages in different outreach groups to help children in need with boots, warm cloth and give them a joyful time.

“Touching lives and building future” updates spring 2021

A big thank you to all of you who have been giving towards the work in Sighisoara in different ways during 2020. The work has continued staidly in spite of Corona limitations.  So what happened lately? In Albesti village the education and social center ”From Clay to Art”  House, has opened its gates for the children. Even the pandemic restrictions has…

Warm Feet in the pandemic year

As we all know 2020 was an atypical year in all its aspects. In this context, with much international restrictions, outreach teams from abroad were canceled, still we did not want to give up on the Warm feet, knowing that within the actual situation the needs are even greater. Despite the challenges and risks taking, we…